Dec. 9, 2024 - BOOKED!!!
The apartment I rented is the same place we stayed last year. It is called, "We Live Trapani. It is a modern apartment with a gym and it’s centrally located to parks, schools, shopping, restaurants and bakeries…
I will looking forward to taking some history, culinary and language classes
Downtown Trapani
On my own!
December 9th, 2024
Good mornings folks,
Well, I finally did it. I have been saying for quite a while that I needed to get away from America for a bit. Perhaps it is to understand things in a different perspective. I used all my persuasive power to talk Julie into taking a long trip with me, but she’s committed to staying here. So I did it. Yes, I booked a ticket a one-way ticket to Europe. I am leaving the country on December 29 and I will be in the Netherlands staying with my good friends, Howard and Annemies LaBrie to ring in the New Year. Then, on January 5, I will be flying solo to the most western city in Sicily, Trapani. That is where Julie and I stayed last spring for 10 days. I have selected the city because it is easy for me to get around with my mobility issues. Unfortunately, it is not anywhere near my relatives and I feel bad about that. I’m hoping someone will come visit me or maybe we can find a place to meet. My "relatives" are mostly in the central part of Sicily and it is difficult for me to get there as I will not have a car. I have booked an apartment for one month and I really have no particular plan other than to live there, study language, study history, and read, write and work out daily in the gym at the apartment.
As far as the business goes, I am completely confident in the abilities of Ryan Yarmel and Sam Snyder to run things efficiently as long as Julie is carrying a big stick! To say I will miss her and my friends and family is an understatement. Last year I spent 10 days by myself in the Netherlands and there was a lot of angst and loneliness that I worked thru. However, this is something that I am committed to doing. At 77 years old, it will give me a chance to look back in my life and understand it on my own terms. I will be posting occasionally and keeping in touch with people while I am there, so wish me luck and thanks for all the love and support.
John Bernunzio
For those who may be interested all of the past, John corners are available for your perusal in the following link:
With peace,
John Bernunzio
The month of January and February are not exactly tourist season, but it is by the sea and the temperatures will certainly be mild compared to upstate New York.
Trapani is a seaside town with history dating back to the Phoenicians. It was heavily bombed in World War II, so there are some places that were rebuilt in the 50s and not very attractive, but there is still enough flavor of the town to get a sense of the old world.
Penn Yan StarShine was a hoot with lots of friends and a colorful parade