Sam Snyder with a pile of vintage cases. In the background is Alex Côté our latest new employee… we are proud to have yet another local musician working at our store.

Christmas Eve was at my daughter Kara‘s house with a fantastic spread of food. Notice my dear Olive displaying how much she can stuff in her mouth at one time.

Christmas day was spent at my brother Pat’s beautiful home in Fairport, NY. My sister Liz prepared much of the food and everyone contributed something. He topped everything off with this gigantic panettone displayed here by his grandson.

The twins were the joy of the party.

we had Christmas day breakfast with Rose and Jose. I have no timetable on my travels, but I will be back before "pie" day.

It was great to catch up with my favorite lady banjo player and old time employee Michelle Younger…

She’s gonna kill me, but I’ll be far away before she sees this. Love you, Julie Ellen Schnepf.
December 30th, 2024
Good mornings folks,
If everything goes as planned, I will be in the Netherlands win this missive arrives. I am on a pilgrimage to find myself…to go back in time, to the land of my ancestors. I just want to give a HUGE shout out to my dear, beautiful wife, Julie, for giving me the encouragement, the support and love to even make this possible. Gosh, she even packed my bag…
We had a great Christmas celebration with family close by. The store has been busy as ever this time of the year and it is in great hands to take care of any of your needs. I will be in touch very often, but I have complete confidence they will run things just as I have these past 50 years!
I shall post some pictures on my Facebook account over the course journey.
John Bernunzio
For those who may be interested all of the past, John corners are available for your perusal in the following link:
With peace,
John Bernunzio

My daughter Kara and my son Jay "captured" me on Saturday afternoon from work for a quick lunch at Strangebird. I love them so much. They are my first children.

This past week we had visitors upon visitors…..

…… and more visitors to go before I sleep….. I started to count them….like sheep.