Dec. 30, 2019 - Sale ends /Christmas memories

The best moment of the Christmas season was cuddling with Rocco John Bernunzio. Such a sweetheart!

New “Eastman” Banjo owner Jared Engel formerly of Rochester and now musician extraordinarie and clawhammer banjo teacher in Brooklyn NY. He picked out the Eastman because it was a "workhorse".

Our "grand puppy" Penny a.k.a. Phyllis continues to grow and capture our hearts. Maybe someday she’ll be on a T-shirt of her own.

my first child Kara Miller hosted a great Christmas day dinner and still had time to make traditional cookies using her grandmother’s recipe.
Sale ends /Christmas memories
December 30th 2019
Good morning friends,
It’s hard to believe but this is the last newsletter of the year and the decade. Next time we talk it will be the year 2020. Hopefully it will give us the same good vision for the future as its name sake.
Our famous winter sale will end at midnight on December 31. We have sold over 200 instruments during the sale at fantastic prices. Kudos to Ryan Yarmel, our store manager who has become a master deal maker. There are still some great deals left on mandolins, guitars, ukuleles and banjos. Additionally, we will have some very special in-store only sale prices on new instruments. Stop in today or Tuesday until 2PM when we close for the year.
John Bernunzio

The Christmas table....greetings from the Bernunzio clan.