Rocco John scores a bright red Kala…. I think he’ll serenade his sisters.

Aunt Grace Estelle and her beloved Olive Adair.

And of course, Penny Ann was there to clean up anything that fell on the floor.

JULIE SAYS THANKS…. Even though there were no presents under the tree for her (hey, there wasn’t even a tree!), I did whisper in her ear that I was going to take her to Key West in February!

The Bernunzio annual "End-of-the Year" sale continues until midnight New Year’s Eve. They are still quite a few great bargains left, and, at the same time, we are still taking in some very interesting instruments…. Such as this Lyon and Healy Style A Mandola…how rare is that!
December 26th, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
Against a bitter, cold background, we were able to have a beautiful Christmas Eve celebration at our daughter Rose and her husband José’s house in the Southwedge area of Rochester. It made for a long drive home to Penn Yan, but it was so worthwhile to spend the evening and watch all of our "dividends" unwrapping their presents. Christmas is certainly about childhood and we had representatives from all the families.
Christmas has always been a celebratory time in the Bernunzio household going back to my earliest childhood memories. In addition to the toys and food and family get togethers, there was always the religious component which was the heartbeat of the holiday. Of course, like many of my generation that aspect was side stepped in favor of more secular celebrations. Still, the fascination with the "holy" day persists, I am well aware of the roots of the holiday existing into ancient times. Festivus, Saturnalia, Bacchus...these were all the precursors to our Christmas holiday. What makes it so unique is that the return of the sun to the sky has been paired with the birth of a child who represents the love of all people. Religious or not that is a great message...and one worth honoring. Celebrate in anyway you wish but remember, the light will return.
Peace on earth and good will to all people.
Best Wishes,
John Bernunzo

At the table with little kids….it makes the magic.

I watched the CBS special on Paul Simon the other night. I usually don’t go in for Grammy type things but I heard he was having a very special guest to close out the two hour show. Wow! Just wow to see Rhiannon Giddens on stage with her James Hartel, Boucher Style banjo singing with the old guy.

And miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep…

And miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep…
So much literary criticism has been written about why Robert Frost repeated that line at the end of his famous poem, “Walking Through the Woods on a Snowy Evening”. Rumor has it that when Frost was asked about it directly he said, "I couldn’t think of anything else to say"!