Dec. 12, 2022 - BACK TO WORK!

Joel Boyer, one of our first customers and employees stopped by for a visit to try out some of the new old banjos that just arrived. Currently, I believe we have the BEST selection of banjos for sale anywhere in the world.

Ukulele gathering…. Julie had her first ukulele gathering in a long, long time. It was packed with folks in the back room just like the old days. Slowly, we are hoping to bring back some events in the store.

Gavin, a second-year student at Eastman School of Music is decked out in vintage clothing (he assured me the starched collar was from 1890!). This young man has found a new life in the 1920s. I get the feeling he’s going to be spent a lot of time at our store.

Today is the birthday of my sister Elizabeth Rita Bernunzio. She always has a way to make me laugh!
December 12th, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
This week I made a decision. Despite being in constant pain from the aftermath of back surgery, and other "mechanical" ailments, I decided, along with encouragement from Julie, to go back to work. With the recent addition of hundreds of vintage instruments, there is a need for a bit more help at the store. I will be there, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. It is good for both my physical and mental health. While staying home the past several months, and trying to recuperate, I have fallen into quite a funk. I have spent a lot of time lying in bed and bemoaning my fate. Now, I’ve never been a nose to the grindstone, workaholic type person. In fact, for most of my life, I avoided work (think Maynard G. Krebs)…that’s why I chose selling banjos for an occupation. It never seemed like work, so I’m back at it again. We will be commuting from Penn Yan on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays until our daughter Grace closes on her house that she bought. It has a cozy little apartment in the basement that we may stay in during the week. So we’ll have one foot in Rochester, and one foot in Penn Yan and that’s the best of both worlds.
Our annual holiday sale is going along quite well with 100 sales in the first 10 days! Our aim is to reduce our inventory by the end of the year and we plan on selling another 150 instruments between now and January 1. Keep an eye on our site for daily specials and new inventory arriving. We have something for everyone including beginner instruments, as well as find vintage pieces for the collector and professional player. Stop by on Saturday for some very special mandolin and ukulele deals.
Best Regards,
John Bernunzio

This is a Christmas card that I sent 25 years ago. It shows my three daughters, Kara, Grace, Rose, with trio of Lyon and Healy Mandocello, Mandolin and Mandola.