Dec. 5, 2022 - ANNUAL SALE!

On Wednesday, November 30, I went out to dinner with my two oldest children. It is the anniversary of the day their mother passed away 39 years ago. We’ve been going out to dinner on this night for 38 years. I love these two with my entire being.

Friday Julie and I had the opportunity to have lunch with one of our first employees, Michelle Younger, who was in town for a visit. She is now living in Charlottesville, Virginia and still teaching banjo. Here she is pictured with Princess Starlight’s original 5 string Silver Bell banjo.

Our daughter, Rose came down from Rochester for the party, but I think it was more to visit her soul sister, Tina, the Chihuahua

Just some of the instruments that got catalogued and photographed on Saturday. Many many more are still under the bench, waiting to be entered into the system
December 5th, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
America’s biggest shopping season, the gift giving times of Christmas and Hanukkah are upon us. It also coincides nicely with Bernunzio’s yearly inventory reduction sale. By having a sale this time of the year, we can reduce our tax liability by reducing our inventory before the close of the year. It’s a simple business strategy and that’s why we have a HUGE sale in December. As a result, we have put over 300 instruments on sale at unbelievably rock-bottom prices. We do not allow trades or layaways on sale items, but there is really something on sale for just about anyone. We will have extended hours for walk in traffic on Sundays from 12 till 4 and of course we are open to the public on Saturdays from 11 till 5. The rest of the time we are open by appointment and of course, online we are open 24 hours a day. Our online processing has been simplified and your choice instrument is just a click away. If you are thinking of a new, beginner instrument or a classic vintage piece, we have it all. I think today we have the best collection of banjos for sale anywhere in the world. Check them out.
Our celebration of Penn Yan Village "StarShine" was a hoot. Many people stopped by the house on the way to town and enjoyed some pizzas and other goodies that Julie and I made during the day. It is now two years since we moved here and it was our first open house. We plan to have many, as this house is so enjoyable to entertain a big crowd.
I will spend the next three weeks, watching all of the sappy, sentimental Christmas movies that I can fit in. It’s something I just have to do starting "A Miracle on 34th Street", followed by Dicken’s "A Christmas Carol" (1951 version with Alistar Sim) and culminating in Frank Capra’s, "It’s a Wonderful Life". I do this every year… I need the lessons. And when Kris Kringle speaks Dutch to the little girl, I cry like a baby; when Marley tells Scrooge, "mankind was our business!", every time I hear it, I re-examine my life, and when George Bailey says "atta a boy Clarence", I breathe a sigh of satifaction. It’s good for my soul. If you’re in town, stop by, we’ll watch a movie together and I’ll make some popcorn!
I am planning on being in the store this Saturday. Stop by and say hello.
John Bernunzio

We are NOT just banjos. This past week, this 1956 Gretsch Duo Jet, walked in the store with the person who purchased it 50 years ago on Front Street, one of Rochester’s less pleasant areas and home to many pawn shops in the 1960s. It is in nearly new condition, and shows hardly any playing time.

The walls are loaded and we plan on selling 250 instruments in the month of December. Come on in and try some things out….the deals start TODAY!