Friday is the birthday of my eldest son Jay Andrew. He’s a hard worker and dedicated to being a good father and a good husband and I love him dearly. He has a generous heart. He loaned us his company van to pick up a load of instruments last week. He made the statement: "whatever is mine is yours!". Here is with his twin daughters Olive and Scarlet.

Bernunzio Uptown Music booth at the Banjo Gathering

The great Cynthia Sayer makes an appearance at the Banjo Gathering.

Main St, Penn Yan Fall Fest!

Penn Yan library Fall Fest

We ventured into downtown Branchport on a 75 degree November afternoon.
November 7th, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
I have been writing "John’s Corner" every week for over four years. People often ask me how I go about writing this little blog, where do I get the ideas, when do I put it together and if I will ever assemble it into a book. Some folks have even asked me if I have a "ghost" writer on the staff! To tell the truth, I write this every Sunday morning, dictated into my iPad and then I try my best to proofread it for all the errors. The ideas come from my every day experiences during the week. All of John’s Corner, starting from four years, ago can be read at the following link. John’s Corner, or go to:
I usually spend the entire Sunday tinkering with it on and off, adding a picture here or there, adding a caption and asking Julie for her input. It’s been a good ride and I enjoy it even though sometimes it reminds me of having an last minute, weekend homework assignment! This past weekend I worked at the store for the first time on a Saturday since my surgery. It was a little difficult but I certainly enjoyed connecting with friends who I hadn’t seen in a long, long time. The store was busy with new customers and old friends coming through a revolving door all day long. I was quite exhausted by the time we left. Julie has been doing all the hard work… carrying my stuff back and forth to the car and helping me with my walker. Unfortunately, on Saturday, when we were driving back to Penn Yan and almost home (an hour car ride) when we received a phone call from Sam Snyder who was still at the store. I had left my iPad and all of my materials in my bag at the store. This was a big mistake as it took an extra hour and a half of our time on Saturday evening to drive back. We finally got home at after 8 o’clock….it was a VERY quiet ride! Just one of the small disadvantages of living in Penn Yan. At least we gained an hour by moving the clock back!
On Sunday we voted! I seldom make political statements, I never argue political sides. I am registered independent and I like to think that I make my own decisions. Tuesday is Election Day, it’s about time. The hysteria has been going on way too long. Politics has become a theatrical arena…It is no wonder the election cycles take so long. None of the "actors" want to get off the stage. I voted!! BUT I have come to the point of turning off or muting any negative television ad of political origin. I’ve seen a lot of them because I spend too much time in front of the television recuperating from my surgery. What is going on in the current election cycle is disgrace to our democracy. Both parties have resorted to the worst of tactics. Personally, I don’t care what somebody has done in the past, I only care what they’re going to do in the future and I want a concrete, well-thought out plan on how they are going to accomplish their proposals. Political ads showing caricatures or even touched up photographs of political opponents is a sickening syle that has come from add agencies because they know that negative ads win elections. Fear mongering has become common place and "alternative facts" are the story of the day. I think we as citizens should demand an end to this style of campaigning and political nonsense. It is a carryover from television mentality and these are the kind of candidates politics is now attracting. If we cannot bring back civility, we are doomed. I highly recommend watching the movie "Network" from 1976. It really was a prognosticator of things to come. "I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!"
John Bernunzio

Ryan and Sen will be returning from the Banjo Gathering in Baltimore where they set up a booth and had a most successful event. I talked to Ryan a few times and he said it was a really good turnout and the direction of the entire organization seems to becoming more inclusive of different styles of instruments and music. It’s encouraging. I can’t wait till next year to attend in person.

It’s leaf raking time and the entire town has both sides of the street filled with piles of leaves. This afternoon I will watch kids walking home from school, pushing each other into the piles of leaves and laughing. It’s what they do in small towns.

On Sunday I was entertained by a live stream musical performance done by Gavin Rice and associates at Eastman School of Music. They were recreating scores from nearly 100 years ago of early jazz that Gavin found tucked away in the school library. They breathed life into 100 year-old music… feet were tapping….heads were bobbing. Watch these kids if you ever get a chance, they are great!