A Banjo Workshop w/ Tony Trischka
Sunday, October 30th, 11am-2pm
call 585-473-6140 for more information
The Tony Trischka banjo workshop is geared to all levels, beginning to advanced, though it’s recommended that attendees be able to play at least a few tunes and know a few basic rolls.
There will be a particular focus on a variety of bluegrass approaches, most particularly on Scruggs Style. Time permitting, melodic and single-string styles will also be covered. Among the topics discussed will be developing one’s own solos by “playing the syllables”, timing, back-up, playing up the neck, the Sally Goodin position.
Improvisation will also be covered, and, if time allows, a short history of the banjo.
Though Tony has a well thought out program prepared, he also welcomes questions and requests for topics to be covered.
Tablature will be provided and attendees are invited to bring with them audio or video recording.

Mums the word!

So many pumpkins how can you choose?


Pickled refrigerator leftovers….some real spicy!

All locally grown ingredients to make "the sauce".
October 24th 2022
Good Morning Folks,
It is that time of the year again….Time to put away tools and toys of summer. The "tin" cottage is winterized, the fishing geared is put away and the boat is in storage. Fall is a season just as long as any of the others but it’s only for a couple of short weeks that it shows it’s glory, and it’s glory is in the harvest and the copious display of colors. I have included a few photos of the local terrain and harvest for your enjoyment. Preserving the fruit of the harvest is one of the happiest times of the year.
But in the world the vintage instruments the harvest is just beginning. The "work" is just starting. We will be gathering instruments this fall from various collections around the Northeast and having them up for sale over the next few months. Ryan will be off to the Banjo Gathering in Maryland and Julie and I are hoping to take a trip to the Northeast (Doctor’s permission of course). to have some clams, lobsters and banjos! It should soon be a "vintage feast".
Now there’s been a lot of "world" talk about the Economy….the recession, inflation, devaluation etc. etc. I seem to have a lot of time on my hands to watch television since I am mostly on my back per doctor’s orders. As I scan the channels I view a tragic, expensive and senseless war being waged with little historical background and little effort to talk. The countries of Lebanon and Chad are economically, environmentally and evangelically broken beyond repair with their citizens left to die of disease or starvation. The world just seems on "the brink".
I’ve lived through cyclical phases over the years with war, famine and political upheaval usually at the center. These things certainly do effect everyday people’s lives. So what do we do? We make accommodations and adjustments to our lifestyles but we don’t fall apart. We don’t stop in our tracks. That is only for the fatalist and I’ve never gone there.
I’ve always said that one of the best places to put your money was a nice vintage instrument because it is recession proof. It’s goods, labor and materials have already been paid for long ago…their manufacturing cost is not going up or materials being banned….like certain exotic woods. They are usually priced on the basis of what the market will bear, as well as past sales. The "care and feeding" is certainly less than that new refrigerator we just bought. All, in all, I’m looking forward to an upturn in sales as well as the economy as soon as the politicians stop blaming each other for what is wrong with America instead of concentrating on what is right or just needs to be adjusted. In order to insure that things are accomplished properly, it usually takes two sides. One to hold things steady and the other one to turn the wrench. If the bolts and nuts are not held fast together nothing will stay tight. Buy well, buy smart, make your own food and entertainment. Life can be exciting and not that expensive.
Best regards,