This young Eastman student came in to try out a banjo (he remarked how similar this rare Sch...

This young Eastman student came in to try out a banjo (he remarked how similar this rare Schmick banjo was to Eddie Peabody’s banjo…an astute observation). This is his second year and he is a major in bass performance, but he told me his real goal is to eventually teach jazz history. I love young minds!

On Saturday I had the opportunity to connect with an old friend, Roger Kuhn. It had been quite a ...

On Saturday I had the opportunity to connect with an old friend, Roger Kuhn. It had been quite a few years since I’d seen Roger and he stopped by the store and we had a nice, long chat. It dawned on me that when I opened the store I met folks in their 20s and now they are in they are in their 40s!

This little garden on the corner of Chapel Street and Main Street at the site of the Penn Yan mus...

This little garden on the corner of Chapel Street and Main Street at the site of the Penn Yan museum at the Oliver House was an overgrown mess. We asked the head of the museum if we could do anything and the curator said it was the village’s responsibility to take care of the garden but they never did it. So guess what, Julie Schnepf  completely restored the garden and plants. And then she got poison ivy!

The Old Timey Banjo world lost a giant this past weekend with the passing of Art Rosenbaum. ...

The Old Timey Banjo world lost a giant this past weekend with the passing of Art Rosenbaum. Artist, teacher and musician, he was as gentle a soul as one could ever encounter. He will be missed.


September 5th, 2002

Good Morning Folks,

First of all I would like to thank everyone who sent good wishes to me regarding my recent health issues. All of your comments were very much appreciated. It seemed like everything was going to take quite a long time to transpire but suddenly my surgeon hopped on board and everything fell into place. He told me to just go get another MRI through the emergency department of the local hospital rather than waiting two or three weeks for an appointment. From the data that he analyzed, along with a neurologist report, he determined that I need a spinal fusion, a cyst removed, along with any other issues that are impinging on my spinal cord. All of this has caused an inability to walk and lack of feeling in my legs. It is a long surgery and an equally long recovery and I’m not quite sure what is going to happen next. Please keep me in your prayers. Of course I plan to ask Dr. Capicotto  the most important question, that my grandmother always told me to ask any doctor. That is, "Dr. Capicotto. Where are your ‘people’ from"?!! It’s always good to have connections!

Obviously, my travel plans and ambitions have tempered. Much depends upon the outcome and physical therapy. However, I am quite determined to head to Sicily this spring. I hope several people can join and meet up.


John Bernunzio 

Autumn approaches and the fruit is ripening.

Autumn approaches and the fruit is ripening.

Saturday was my last day at the store for quite a while. The estimated recovery time is 3 to 6 mo...

Saturday was my last day at the store for quite a while. The estimated recovery time is 3 to 6 months. 

Happy 88th birthday to my father-in-law Henry Schnepf here with Julie, her mom Bar...

Happy 88th birthday to my father-in-law Henry Schnepf here with Julie, her mom Barbara and brothers Ed and Steve. We had a lovely picnic in Branchport.