Sept. 2, 2019 - LABOR DAY

A week ago Friday we paid tribute to our friend Joe Dady who passed away in April. Joe was a friend to all people and a garden in his name was dedicated at the church used to attend as a child. That space is now being used to resettle refugees which was something very close to Joe’s heart.

Joe’s musical partner and brother, John Dady was there to lead us all in music and his nieces and nephews all gathered together to sing a song for him. It was very touching.
Good Morning Folks,
Today is Labor Day and the store is closed. Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer and fall activities, such as school and sports are under way. There are lots of "back to school" activities and the store has been very busy.
We have posted new hours that are easy to remember Monday through Saturday 11 to 6. We’ve decided to not be open late Thursdays and will move all of our jams to Saturday. The store continues to be a place of gathering and sharing of musical ideas for all kinds of folks. Those participating in the weekly jams can attest to the camaraderie that comes from making music together. We hope to continue this tradition. Check our complete schedule of events and join us on a Saturday.
Happy Trails,

Exciting things come through the door every single day at Bernunzio Uptown Music. This past week was no exception with the arrival of an incredible collection of instruments made in France by the maker Gelas. These instruments, created in the early part of the last century, feature double tops in the most bizarre type of construction. We have had a few of them in the past but never a set including mandolin, mandola, mandolin cello and a mandolin-bass....the entire mandolin ensemble.... and a Hawaiian guitar thrown in for good luck!

I’m not the only one who enjoys this stuff!