Aug. 5, 2019 - MASS SHOOTINGS

The Incantations put on a great show at the Little Theatre Cafe on Thursday night. That’s our Alex Patrick on the far left playing his Martin D-18 affectionately known as "old stinky".

As we mentioned last week a large collection of instruments is landing at Bernunzio Uptown Music. It looks like we have about 40 great instruments to login and this big baby is one of them.
Good morning folks,
With two mass shootings in America this past weekend I have been speechless. It seems as though we have lost our direction. Undoubtedly the internet and methods of instant communication have altered our perceptions of the world around us. Shopping malls, festival sites and church gatherings have come under assault. There is a fear that is brewing in America and I for one refuse to submit to it. Julie and I are both determined to get out more, to see more music, to be more visible in our community in order to stand shoulder to shoulder with others who are feeling the fear. We will not let unbridled hatred determine who we are and what we can and cannot do.
John and Julie Bernunzio

The scenery of the Finger Lakes always calms my spirit.