Scarlett Elizabeth Bernunzio

Gramma Julie

A very blessed Grandpa.

Julie had to have some special time with Sergeant Pepper.
July 26th, 2021
Good Morning Folks,
This is the last week of our great summer sale. They are still quite a few deals left on the website. Check it out… if there’s something you have your eye on I’m sure you’ll get a great deal. Kudos to Sam and Ryan for moving out a couple of hundred instruments during the sale. Of course I bought back nearly as many in a recent purchase. So the cycle continues.
The biggest event of the week however, was spending time with half of our recently born twin granddaughters. On Thursday we got to enjoy a special afternoon with Scarlett Elizabeth Bernunzio. She has been home from the hospital for a week. Mom continues to go back-and-forth to visit and spend time with sister Olive Adair Bernunzio, who remains in the intensive care unit until she is able to eat on her own. It is stressful time to say the least, for mom and dad. We are trying our best to be there to support them. Julie started by cooking up a storm and bringing some food over and we got to spend the whole afternoon with a little Scarlett. She is such a precious gem….they were born two months premature so now, at six weeks out of the oven, they have the appearance of a one and a half month old baby but the size of a small, 6-1/2 pound newborn. Ah, the miracle of life.
With a heart full of love,
John Bernunzio

The backyard patio blossoming out with Julie’s plantings everywhere.

Main St Penn Yan

High above the hills in Middlesex New York.

selling our 1988 Glastron boat and trailer… give me a call if you’re interested. 585-733-3429….$1500 OBO

some of the parts Julie will be auctioning off this week… elleneast