July 25, 2022 - IT’S SUMMER…BE COOL

Be cool…go see some music in the park

Be cool and do something about monarch butterflies which are now 90% extinct.

A metal butterfly sculpture at the head of a trail on the property of the Yates County Community Center…So cool

There’s nothing cooler than a woodland trail.

be cool…pick blueberries…
July 25th, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
It is a very hot…and humid across America, and we’re still in the sticky thick of it. People across the country are smeltering from the tremendous heat. America has become a hot place and I feel we are losing our cool. It is not just forest fires and the blasting heat wave that’s adding the fuel, it’s the all around attitude. It’s the killings in the street. The city of Rochester is on pace to break another record…It is not a temperature record, but it is a homicide record. Additionally two policemen were shot in the street, one is deceased. America is hot…believe me. Political rhetoric demands it is cool to be hot. Batters and quarterbacks and point guards are all hot but sometimes they lose their cool. "You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows."
Tempers and temperatures… we have a vaccine to reduce temperatures but there is no vaccine for the virus of violence. O tempora! O mores!; the world was a beautiful place to be born into….
Which brings me to the topic of how to stay cool in more ways than one. Keeping one’s cool is probably the most important task that we can have today. Keeping a lid on it, cool off, cool down, kool aid….and I don’t trust the reading on the thermometer.
There are many ways to be cool.
Be kind, it’s cool
Hug a grandchild, very cool
Visit a sick friend…so cool
But one way, for sure, to be really cool, and to stay really cool, is to play the banjo…just ask John, he’s cool..and that is why he is going to take a break from America. More on that to follow.
Stay cool,

Cool down America…watch the water flow.