July 10, 2023 - MUSIC IS ETERNAL

That’s my Julie…ever the optimist, with a big smile, recycling pail in hand…despite having put a big dent in the side door of her new car.

….the art of nature…

At home among the daisies.

Herb garden 2023…parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, dill, mint, oregano and the king of herbs….basil.

An untitled poem by John A. Bernunzio circa 1967….with a nod to Ecclesiastes
Another Coheleth, I see no reason for the scraping leaves which fall,
from nowhere…to nothing… for naught
Beauty past remember not those fetus years when I…
hidden in the soup warm womb,
my mother’s blanket
could not know the black bullets of my oppressors.
JAB 1967
I guess I had a really dark side back then…..

Bernunzio Vintage Instruments mailing list November 1989
July 10th, 2023
Hello friends,
I spend a lot of time thinking. I think…..probably too much. Perhaps that is because, at nearly 76 years of age, I’m not very mobile. I have lots of time to let my mind wander. But most likely, I’ve always been that way. I have echoes in my mind of my father saying to my mother "Hon, what’s John doing down there in the basement by himself?" And my mother would simply reply …"he’s thinking". Lately I’ve been thinking of ART… all kinds of art. Art has always been a focal point in my life in one form or another. The arts have contributed to the development of humanity from the pyramids to the Mona Lisa to the sculptures of Rodin to the pop art of Andy Warhol.
I am not a museum goer, I’m a museum "wanderer". I will frequent them as often as possible but don’t have a very long attention span and certainly I am not an art critic…but I am an appreciator of anything that is humankind’s artistic endeavors. It’s the optimistic side of me. Unfortunately, I also have a kind of dark side…I started thinking about all of art….paintings, sculptures, fine art, decorative art, literature..…will all eventually end up in the landfill. Yes, even the pyramids eventually will disappear. It may take another 10,000 years, but eventually everything ends up in humanity’s dumpster Everything except, MUSIC…because music is eternal… it takes up no space or time…it is ethereal…cosmic…it will never go away because it does not exist in any tangible form. Music is forever…that gives me hope!
The other thing that gives me hope is gardening. It’s the sense growing things, tending them, and then consuming them. So, raise a glass of your favorite libation, turn on your music (or better yet sing loudly) and watch your garden grow. It’s good for what ails you.
John Bernunzio

Looking west towards Bristol Hills

….knee high…

The garden overgroweth!!! We may have to put up a tomato stand on the side of Main Street

The view coming down Rt. 364 into Penn Yan always is a feeling of decompression for me. Just don’t forget it’s 30 miles an hour when you get into the village because they’re waiting to get you…it’s really the only income stream for the police force.

This has been an absolutely banner year for strawberries. I bought 8 quarts and not one single berry was bad. I’m hoping there’s a few more this week. Pricey but, so tasty.