Ryan Yarmel Manager....
Zach Kochan the man behind counter and probably the most responsible one of the bunch!

Alex Patrick expert packer. You've packed with the rest, now packed by the best!

Overhand Sam....playing guitar like no one should!

Jess Hamm....artist, designer, chicken farmer.

John Colombo...the early years...he's moved from cars to guitars!
Good morning folks,
Coming off the Jazz Fest, our Huge SALE, the Ukulele Cruise '18 AND the 4th of July in the middle of the week, Julie and John venture into unknown territory. Over the course of the next three weeks we will be attending the annual ALLFRETS convention in Buffalo, marrying off a daughter and moving from our beloved Tower 280. We have purchased a smaller home in the "Beechwood" Neighborhood on Rochester's Northeast side. It is a 1920s two family home and our youngest daughter, Grace plans to live "upstairs". It is an exciting, but of course nerve racking time but, under the faithful guidance and direction of Julie we shall prevail. This change should help us with our goal of traveling a bit more to attend shows, festivals and just visiting friends around the country. We will certainly let you know if we will be in your neighborhood!
Meanwhile, the store continues to blossom under the guidance of the best staff anyone could ask for. Ryan Yarmel manages the day to day affairs and is the person go to for questions on buying or selling vintage gear. He has been with us for 10 years and his knowledge is beyond his years. The counter, ordering and online sales are managed by Zack Kochan who has been with us for over two years. Alex Patrick, Eastman guitar graduate, mater picker and packer does our videos as well as packing. Sam Snyder, AKA Overhand Sam, works the sales floor and can always tell a customer exactly what they need. In the repair shop we have John Colombo from the mighty Colombo family of artists and artisans (his dad restored our old house). Of course there is always the people behind the scenes. Jess Hamm not only does our photography but she lends her artistry to ads and events on our Facebook page.

Sunset on the Erie Canal Ukulele Cruise 2018

John and his daughters....one happy man.
