Rocco and grandpa ride the mobility cart. To him, it’s just another transformer!!

Rocco gave me a lesson on catching bugs around the pool.

Rocco rescues a little worm.

Just getting a little perspective….this was Rocco and I shortly after he was born. How four years can change things.

Little Olive, only a week old and weighing in at 3.4 pounds.
June 14th, 2021
Good Morning Folks,
Thank you all for your genuine concerns regarding my health issues. The MRI went well I had a great visit with my Doctor who interpreted the results. We are working on a program of restorative health. No, I’ll never be 100%, but I’m confident that, in time, and with a lot of work, someday I might be able to walk to downtown Penn Yan. I am on a daily routine of core strengthening exercises, recumbent bicycle, and treadmill as well as a healthy diet of fresh, local produce from area farms.
I took on a challenge this Saturday. My daughter-in-law, Taylor, gave birth last week to pre-mature twin girls who will be in the hospital for another month. She asked me if I could watch Rocco for a few hours on Saturday while she visited them. Of course I would never deny that I might not be able to take care of a four-year-old. It was not without its challenges but it was an exciting time for me to spend four hours alone with this charming young boy. We rode my little mobility cart around their vast property and driveway. I let Rocco drive and he only tipped us over once but it was quite a fall. After I realized we were not hurt and I dusted off my pride we got back on the cart and drove all around his neighborhood. He gave me the complete tour showing me where the woodchucks live, and where the deer were hiding and where the fox was. He is quite the character. We went across the street to where there is a new development going up with 20 houses being built. There was all sorts of machinery moving the land around. Rocco knew what everything was from bulldozers to backhoes, to steam shovels. Perhaps someday he will become what we always wanted in our family, an Italian Contractor!
As a young man growing up in the 1960s I was always concerned with making sure that we left the world in a better place for the next generation. I am increasingly worried today about how this legacy. In so many ways there are exciting things beyond my imagination but on the other hand the global problems are increasing with a snowball effect. At any one time, it is estimated that 60 million people around this globe are homeless and in need of basic necessities. It is a tragedy. We have children climbing walls to get here so they can work and we have so many jobs here left unfilled. If we don’t address the issue of keeping our planet clean and the severe inequality of resource sharing, what kind of future is it for the next generation? I am worried.
I will be in the store next Saturday helping out. Julie is having the first LIVE ukulele gathering on 6/19 from 12-1:30 pm in the park in front of Christ Church across from the store.
All my best,

On Wednesday night we were privileged to attend a concert outdoors at the famous Abilene bar in downtown Rochester. It is open for those were vaccinated. We were entertained by Yarm’s and the Rhythm Ducks. This was a very special concert for us because three of the members of the group are our employees Ryan Yarmel, Sam Snyder, and Alex Patrick. Not only are these three gentlemen outstanding musicians but they’ve kept Bernunzio‘s alive during the pandemic. I love these people.