May 24, 2021 - GRACE’S BIRTHDAY

From left to right four rosewood beauties: 1936 Advanced Jumbo, a wartime “Banner” Rosewood SJ, an unusual sunburst but mint condition Roy Smeck Radio Grand and Rosewood Nick Lucas Special owned and played by Carson J. Robison.

Grace with an original Larson made pearl trimmed Harp-Mandolin

Ultra tone for ultra-kid

Grace with two original Gibson flathead banjos. Including the top tension style 7

Grace with Fred Bacon’s personal, original five string No. 4 Silver Bell

Baby Grace...and her "old man". I was often asked if I was her grandfather which was met with a gruff snarl.
I’ve never done this before but I am repeating a column from one year ago. Today is my daughter Grace’s 24th birthday...yes that’s right 24 on the 24th! A birthday she shares with Bob Dylan.... I’ve asked him to come to the party several times but he’s always busy!
I hope you enjoy some of these photos that I took of her in the heyday of the vintage instrument business in the basement on East Avenue. She has always been a great model. She has been staying with us down here in Penn Yan because she is working at her job remotely. It is been so much fun having her, and of course Penny the "wonder dog", in the house again. Not so sure about "Kitten" but she is here too. We’re beginning to fill the house up and it’s a nice feeling.
May 24th, 2021
I have been buying and selling collectible American stringed instruments for over 40 years. I have dealt with collectors all over the world and bought and sold some of the finest instruments ever made. However, I was never a collector myself, at least not of musical instruments. I made up my mind very early on that I could not collect that which I made my living from, but, instead, I collected children! Five to be exact and the last one, Grace Estelle Bernunzio was born 24 years ago today.
Now Grace was born just before I turned 50 years old. Yes, she was a surprise baby and arrived just after we moved into the big mansion on East Avenue. I think she was in the bottle of champagne that we drank in celebration of the night we moved in. At any rate, she appeared nine months later....actually 9-3/4 of a month because she was three weeks late. But when she finally was born, she was a tiger and she’s been a tiger ever since. She was always the favorite model for my fine instruments and I’ve included some of these pictures in this newsletter.
Happy Birthday Grace,

my beautiful baby girl is 24!