Mom, Rita Proctor, Eliza, age 11 and Ben all on stage together

Wednesday is the birthday of my youngest child, Grace Estelle Bernunzio. I still think her of her as "Cheesy Grace", but she has developed into an incredibly talented and sophisticated young woman. Happy Birthday, Grace!

John’s corner is really coming along nicely and I’m filling it up with some great vintage banjos right next to my chair

Spring would not be complete without the hunt for the wild cardoon, or burdock as it is commonly known. My search was finally successful after a few after a few attempts and the results of my success seen in the pictures. My Italian ancestors would be proud!

Just some of the things that Julie is auctioning off on eBay this week. Remember, all of her auctions are true "auctions" with the starting bid of one dollar and no reserve. There have been some incredible bargains and they can be found by searching for elleneast, as the seller, or using this link:
May 22nd, 2023
Good Morning Folks,
As many of you who follow this blog know I have dealt with several health issues over the past five years. They are mostly mechanical issues, knees, joints, back…stenosis, arthritis, spondyloysis…all which cause tremendous, but intermittent pain. I have had great medical service over the past years, but mostly they’ve been chopping and cutting and replacing and trying to fix. They’re an honest medical team, but I’m ready to move on. Rather than approach aging from a medical standpoint, I’d rather look at it from a philosopher’s lens. So I have added a new mantra…"This is as good as it gets." Instead of trying to "get better", I have decided to just move forward because there is no "getting better"….I’m definitely not going to get younger, so it is with calm acceptance (and of course, Julie’s steady arm) that have helped me live through, and see past, my struggles. With this newest approach, I find a lightness in my step and an old excitement and anticipation of each day. I like this new life, I’m ready to embrace it.
On Thursday Julie had an evening appointment which left me in Rochester to fend for myself. I could’ve gone home to our basement apartment, turned on the TV and got in my jammies but instead I decided to venture out. I had not been out by myself in a long, long time. I received a text earlier in the day from my good friend, Ben Proctor. I’ve known Ben since he was a student at “Eastman” and now he is a teacher in the local public schools and as well as a performer with various bluegrass bands. Ben, let me know of a very special event at the Little Theater Café which is just down the street from our store. He was going to be on stage with his daughter Eliza. At 11 years old, it was their first formal "father/daughter performance, and I knew I had to be there. I left very early so I made sure that I would have a handicapped parking spot. It was a struggle to get from the parking lot into the Café, but once inside, I negotiated around tables, ordered some food from the counter, and parked myself at a small table with a good view of the stage. I had a light dinner and then was graced by the company of my old friend Steve Piper. We shared a bag of popcorn, and enthusiastically watched the concert. Although I left at 8 o’clock after their performance, and did not stay for the main act, Suzanna Rose, I had had about as much as I could handle for a night. I must say that I did feel very accomplished after working a full day at the store and going out for the evening. I have no reservations….I am hungry for more.
Best regards,
John Bernunzio

One of the more beautiful corners in the village of Penn Yan. I was able to take the shot of Julie walking the dogs… the true sign of spring.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Maybelle Carter lately. There was a post on Facebook and a discussion about the influence of her guitar style and her iconic Gibson L-5 guitar. I have sold guitars from the same year as hers for as high $30,000. Her own guitar sold for $500,000! BUT the guitar was only half of her performance. If you listen to the early records or even listen to the album, ”Will the Circle Be Unbroken”, you can hear Maybell playing her other favorite instrument, the autoharp…. Why is it then that autoharps pile up like cordwood in my store? I have two that are listed and a plethora of others that haven’t even been cataloged. All autoharps on sale this week at Bernunzio’s, especially the ones with the dust bunnies!

A dangerous frost on Wednesday night put the fragile blossoming grape crop in danger. They will have to assess the damage and see what kind of harvest the growers will end up with in the fall…. Hopefully that is the last of the frost and we can get on with the growth of late spring and summer

We had a great bluegrass jam in the back room on Saturday. The rain washed out several concerts at the lilac festival and a quite wet, Dr. Ken Luk came in the store. He said his concert was canceled and he thought he would join the bluegrass jam. Ken is a multi instrumentalist and doctoral graduate from Eastman School of Music. He has done more in the Rochester musical community to promote so many different types of genres, but he had never attempted Bluegrass. It took him about 60 seconds to fit in.