Who is that masked man wearing a Stetson Airliner and Gaultier shades with "breakaway" frames?

Original Vega catalogs from 1960 to 65 and starts at one dollar!

Bacon and Day Silverbell rim starts at one dollar!

A full set of Klusson tuners for a 1962 Gibson Firebird starts at one dollar!

A. C. Fairbanks 1880s tailpiece $1

Original wrench for Orpheum Banjo a pretty rare item an auction starts at one dollar!

A perfect set of Page figure 8 tuners from the 1920s. Perfect for a Paramount banjo. Auction starts at one dollar!

...and one of these coming soon!
May 18th, 2020
Hello Folks,
Julie and I have continued to observe the quarantine and she has only ventured to the store for events like Saturday’s Ukulele Hour ZOOM. She had over 30 participants who are clamoring for more. If you want to get on the list for the ZOOM jams, contact or sign up on our Website. I am scheduled for a LONG awaited back surgery on June 2 so I am continuing to spend most of my time at home behind the iPad. That said, any old friend feeling a need to reach out, please feel free to contact the store and they will give you my cell phone #. It has been a time for lots of reflection. Everyone I am in touch with is digging though old photos, records and personal treasures. These are our stories. This is what makes us most human.
Meanwhile, we have become obsessed with mining the growing pile of treasures in the middle of the 2nd bedroom/TV room. We are now listing between 10-15 item each day. These eBay auctions all start at $1 and there have been some really incredible deals and some very interesting finds. All of the auctions can be found here.
According to the plan of the Governor of New York, we are part of Phase 1 and in the sector that can begin reopening. That said we will be doing business as it has been for the past 6 weeks but a little more user-friendly. Here are the rules:
Retail Business Owners - Curbside Pickup:
- Employee and purchaser in vehicles must wear a mask, gloves preferred;
- Hand sanitizer must be made available.
Retail Business Owners - In-Store Pickup:
- Requires ordering ahead - pre-arranged orders;
- Social distancing required in store;
- No more than 50 percent of maximum occupancy;
- Patrons must wear masks;
- Store employees must wear masks, gloves preferred;
- Hand sanitizer must be made available.
With all this in mind we will be carrying on business hours as usual by appointment and for curbside service. Store hours are 11-6 Monday-Saturday and someone will be there to answer the phone or to schedule an appointment. Our mail order business is as strong as it has ever been and we are sending instruments all over the world. The website is being updated daily.
ALERT!! We are looking for some good instruments to buy outright or sell on consignment. If anyone has anything to part with, we are willing to pick it up within a 500 mile radius. Let us know and we will travel.
Have a great week,
John Bernunzio

Set of gold plated engraved flanges for a high-grade Vega banjo. Auction starts at one dollar!.

The Sunday family ZOOM......the real "gold".