May 13, 2019 - LILAC FESTIVAL 2019
This Saturday is UKULELE HOUR. It's an informal hour of singing and strumming simple tunes geared toward the beginner but open to all players. Come 0n down an give it a try!
I love it when a player, the caliber of Austin Wahl, Eastman S doctoral student of classical guitar, stops by and "discovers" a pre-1867 Martin and marvels at the depth of sound from a vintage guitar.
Even the lowest of Yamaha's can be a fun ride as local teacher, Benjamin Proctor finds this gem to suit his budget as a "camping" guitar.
Good morning friends,
This week in Rochester NY the Lilac Festival gets in full swing. The musical selections this year are particularly outstanding and the promoters have worked hard to make this year's festival one of the best yet. Now, if only the weather would cooperate! Our beautiful Highland Park has a world class collection of the sweet spring flowering trees and the setting is across hilly acres of glacial moraine topped with a reservoir overlooking the Bristol Hills to south. I spent a good deal of my high school days hanging out there drinking beer and discussing philosophy, politics and the meaning of life...well as much as seventeen years olds could fathom in 1964. One evening when were atop the hill enjoying our favorite brew...Genny Cream Ale we heard a bizarre sound coming from a wooded area across the field. To our surprise it was a bagpipe player getting in his daily practice. It seems the neighborhood had banned him from practicing as the sound frightened small pets and children! We shared a beer with him but only if he promised to take his practicing to the other side of the park!
In the store this week we purchased a nice collection of vintage steel guitars including a National triple neck, a 1955 Fender Champ1955 and a stunning 1930s Gibson EH-150. Check them out at
Have a great week,
John and Julie Bernunzio
Once a month the great Steve Greene conducts an improvisation workshop in the back room at our store. Steve 0 is a legendary teacher and performer in this town and is about the smoothest jazz player we have ever met.
Zach contemplating the wide world of guitar accessories!
A glass of wine, a couple of dogs and Keuka Lake....can summer be far off?