March 13, 2023 - THE REVEREND JOHNNY B’s GOODS.…

This Sunday in the feast of St. Joseph…it is observed in Sicily as a day of hope and giving. We had many St. Joseph tables at our house on East Avenue. The bread pictured in this photo is some loaves we made to give away at the store. Some day we hope to have a table at our house in Penn Yan.

This is the original recipe from my father for St. Joseph bread… Although I use half semolina flour.

Revelers at the St. Patrick’s Day parade, which is traditional in Rochester and marches right by our store. Unfortunately, we closed the store on Saturday, the day of the parade. It is just too difficult trying to show people guitars who been drinking Guinness beer since 7 o’clock in the morning…which is something neither St. Patrick (an Italian) nor any good Irishman would ever do.

The brain trust of Sam Snyder, Sen Neitz, and Alex Patrick, dissect an old Fender that has been assembled from various parts. They have become experts in their field.

Since the store was closed on Saturday we had the rare opportunity to spend the day in Penn Yan. We are usually in Rochester Thursday through Saturdays but this weekend we ventured out to the Big Mamou Farm Store. They sell organic meat products that are all grown within a 50 mile radius of their farm. They also make custom furniture from wood harvested from their own land. The shop is just amazing. It worth a stop. They are only open on Saturdays.

Of course, the trip to the Big Mamou ended up with us making a Saturday dinner of meatballs, braciole and homemade pasta.

The Reverend Ruth Ferguson….future banjoist!
March 13th, 2023
Good morning folks,
There are all kinds of celebrations and commemorations coming up this week, including the assassination of Julius Caesar (the Ides of March…15th), St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th), and of course, next Sunday (March 19th), is Saint Joseph’s today….my particular favorite. Saint Joseph was the father of Jesus. He was always presented to us as an inspiration, the person to model one’s life after. He was a simple carpenter, and he is the patron saint of a life well-lived and a happy death (hmmmm).
Now, despite my religious upbringing and schooling (Catholic school from kindergarten through my Master Degree), I’ve never been a follower or participator, religiously. It’s been a struggle throughout my life. I’ve attended a few churches over the years, but they always seem to close after I become part of the community. While we lived downtown in Rochester in the midtown apartments, I started attending Christ Church, an Episcopal Church (as Robin Williams said, Catholic light…all the ceremony with half the guilt!). It is across the street from our store and I first entered there the day after the 2016 election. The services are very similar to the ones that I was accustomed to as a child. There is considerable use of incense and Latin, divine music and lots of candles and solitude. The biggest difference, of course was the priest on the altar…. a woman! This old Catholic boy found it very refreshing. The cleric in charge of Christ Church in Rochester is The Reverend Ruth Ferguson. This past Friday she came in to do something that I really think all religious people should do at some point in their life. She bought a banjo! Ruth had contacted me a while ago warning me that she was planning to buy a banjo. She has deep southern roots and has always wanted to play. Now, with the kids off to college, she feels she has the time to dedicate to the old banjo.
Of course over the past three years we have not really been that accessible. Business has been by appointment only. We recently started opening the store Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. On Friday, while I was dealing with a few other customers, Ruth strolled into the store. We had a great discussion on all sorts of topics….banjos, music, religious vocation, our children and the state of the world today. I told Ruth a story that’s folklore in our family. Supposedly when I was four years old, my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. As she coached me a bit, she said, how about a doctor? I shook my head. NO! how about a lawyer? Again I shook my head, No! How about a priest? I adamantly shook my head again NO! Now my mom really wanted me to be a priest. Italians always felt that was a good way to get to Heaven….you would have a direct connection! "But what do you want to be, Johnny", she continued. I looked at her and I said "I want to be God". That elicited a strong "don’t ever say that again, and don’t even think anything like that!". Since then, I’ve set my goals, a bit lower!
Well, Ruth found it amusing. After giving her my standard lecture about banjo history, she settled on a good beginner Goldtone banjo that will get her started for clawhammer playing. I gave her a bit of a lesson on how to find "Wildwood Flower" on the banjo. We discussed the store for a bit and its importance in the community just like her church which is across the street. I apologized for not being open for such a long time during COVID. I explained to her that most of our business is just done online. The business that walks through the door is very minimal compared to our online sales. I told her that I felt it was important that we were open just so that people have a place to stop and gather. I also told her about our Saturday jams that she plans to attend. As she left, she looked at me and said, "You have to be open. It’s your ministry!".
John Bernunzio

Our biggest snowstorm of the year gave some opportunity for great pictures. The contrast is just stunning.

Penn Yan, NY….Main St.

I’m feeling a road trip might be in order.

Rochester Ukulele Support Group Monthly Jam 3rd Saturday of the Month 11 am - 12:15 pm
Join us for RUSG. We are a Ukulele-Centered group that enjoys strumming and singing together. We meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 11 am "in-person" at Bernunzio Uptown Music. ZOOM access is also available. Contact Julie for the link.
1. RUSG is free 2. We use the Daily Ukulele Books 1 & 2 for our song selections. These are available to purchase in the store. 3. Please bring a ukulele and a music stand, if you have one. Ukes are available to try out, as well. 4. Musician and teacher, Randy Pollok, is our leader. A small tip for Randy is a nice gesture, but not required.