First Friday with The Younger Gang/Ruckus Juice Jug Stompers

- Dec. 6, 2013
- 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
The Younger Gang is Michelle Younger of Windsor Folk Family, Brad Sheffield of Blackened Blues/Poetry For Thieves, Ryan Yarmel of Sparks and Yarms, and Jimmy Grillo of Roots Collider/Blackened Blues. The Younger Gang has it's roots in Old Time Music and Classic Country and explores traditional takes on these genres along with new interpretations.
"This Rochester-based folk outfit brings together members of the Windsor Folk Family, RootsCollider, Blackened Blues, and Sparx and Yarms. The resulting amalgamation is a deeply affecting foray into what you could call neo-Americana. The band's unique approach to Old-timey Appalachian tunes is positively informed by, and infused with, the members' rock, blues, funk, and electronica pedigrees. It's a distinct breed of folk music that is, despite a healthy respect for its roots, absolutely modern."
-David Yokel (City Magazine)
the Ruckus Juice Jug Stompers will follow the Younger Gang at 8:00pm.
Born out of ruckus-raising performances at the String Theory's bluegrass
open mic nights at Johnny's Irish Pub in Rochester, New York, the
Ruckus Juice Jug Stompers are paying homage to the greatness and
mediocrity (jug bands and otherwise) that came before them. And they're
doing it in their own twisted way. In a live setting, the Stompers are
there to entertain and the audience is part of the performance. They're a
sight to be seen and a show to be experienced. Be prepared to witness
something ridiculous when you see the Stompers, and to laugh, to sign
along, and maybe even to take a kazoo solo with the band.