Manuals, Tutors
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Banjo (All Styles)
Manuals, methods, tutors, chord charts, lessons for 5-string banjo, tenor banjo, etc.

Bass (electric/upright)
Methods and tutors and technique books for Electric bass, upright bass, jazz, funk, rock, etc.

Method books and chord books for fiddle and violin (bluegrass, old-time, irish, scottish, classical, etc)

Guitar (All Styles)
Method books, manuals, lessons, and chord charts for guitar: Classical, Jazz, Rock, Acoustic, Folk, Fingerstyle, etc

Harmonica, Tin Whistle, Other Small Instruments
Methods and chord books and more for harmonica, tin whistle (flageolet), and other small/unusual instruments

Ukulele - All Sizes
Methods, Manuals, Tutors, lessons, chord charts and chord books for soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone ukulele.